Sunday, 10 May 2009

The First Chapter

With great pride Min and Shap present the child of their mutual interests, a compendium on all things economics (save the black hole of knowledge known as macroeconomics). Two international political economy majors at the Georgetown School of Foreign Service, we have fallen in love with what some would call a "dismal science." We see economics not only as an alternate lens to studying interaction from the consumer to the country but also the glue that ties all terrestrial actors together and the most practical way to improve life the world over.

And so, we decided to present our adventures and horrors as we continue to study economics and continue to find economics affecting lives in subtle, yet powerful, ways. As the world continues to associate economics exclusively with the collapse of the international financial order, we hope to highlight both the successes (microeconomics) and failures (macroeconomics) of our future field.

We thought it would be appropriate to begin with a light-hearted introduction to the basic principles of economics. The video, shown to us on the first day of intermediate microeconomics, emphasizes the wonderful simplicity of economics and a few other general truths (note principles 8-10).

~Min and Shap

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